to self: "must make list of 'stuff' for my trip to Reno......laptop, blog camp t-shirt, fake Chuck's, camera, these items are essential, of course. Getting the prezzies wrapped......(cleaning up my pedicure....who am I kidding, it's not even a pedicure, I should just remove the remaining polish that is already chipped away....) Got to get the car an oil change, check tire pressure....get car washed, as it looks like I live in the Australian least get the interior vacuumed out. Color my hair....oh, yeah, must get rid of skunk stripe.....go to storage unit at the Ranch and fish out my suitcase, although, I could just use the Costco bags like I did last time I went on an extended road Sara for map directions to her house.........compile another list about timeframes, 'do laundry, this day' - 'take car for oil change, this day' - 'wrap prezzies, this day'.....oh, I'm really getting excited......I of course will over pack, good thing I'm driving, I can completely fill my trunk with necessary items....."
Did I just ramble all of that stuff outloud? I hope not, maybe I just thought it really loud?